Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shirley and Terry

My paper face of Shirley MacLaine and her beloved rat terrier, Terry. Signed by SM herself! I've been following the greatness that is Shirley since I was 8, the age at which my mother took me to see Postcards from the Edge (I was an extremely mature child to be viewing a film about drugs & hollywood in 2nd grade). 

Over the course of 24 years, I have eagerly studied Shirley's work: her films, her TV appearances and interviews, her books. I pretty much know her entire life story (it does help that I am close friends with her besties too). 

Whenever I am in the presence of Ms. MacLaine, my brain goes numb and I get all tongue-tied...I kick myself every time I am around her because I can't seem to shake my nervousness! Shirley is wickedly intelligent and intense…if you don't have something smart to say, then back off! 

Shirley's talent is boundless, her mind is curious, and her heart is full. One of my greatest teachers and creative inspirations!

The 40th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Shirley MacLaine, Sony Pictures, June 2012. A dream-come-true evening. Don Rickles had the audience jumping out of their seats with laughter! 

The very first time I met Shirley in person! Seattle, June 2010. We shared dessert and laughs with friends (and Terry) after her one woman show. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012