Wednesday, February 16, 2022

hi blog, it's me, kelly b

favorite item of clothing: a very colorful, very patterned vintage Lord & Taylor duster jacket with big gold buttons. purchased at the late Arbor Vitae Vintage in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 

one thing you never leave home without: my American Express card. jk. sunglasses. my eyes are very blue and abnormally large, which is the worst combo for enduring sunlight. 

share something unique about yourself: i'm a visually & directionally gifted human: a walking MapQuest in every city. 

your last trip overseas: Iceland in the middle of winter right before the pandemic. lots of mishaps that lead to some sweet synchronistic surprises: hitchhiking alone in the snowy countryside in the pitch black, getting locked out of my friend's condo during an arctic freeze and befriending her non-English speaking neighbor who treated me to hot tea and wool socks, becoming besties with a local who was actually a friend of a friend's friend in the States. 

go-to alcoholic drink: aperol spritz but right now I'm favoring framboise lambic beer from Belgium (it comes in a wine bottle). 

current obsession: Hacks on HBOMax, the cast of Hacks, fans of Hacks, filming locations of Hacks (my city of Long Beach!), and any Hacks related content on social media. LMK if you wanna chat Hacks...

two words friends would use to describe you: I get a lot of "cute & funny"

five things you love:

1. Korean beauty products: SKINFOOD's Tomato Lip Tint is so smooth and luscious
2. organizing my life into acrylic bins 
3. mailing cards to friends with Mrs. Grossmans stickers tucked inside, followed by a stickerface of myself to sign things off 
4. miniature versions of things 
5. R.L. Stine "Fear Street" novels (and their cover art) from the early 90s. I had the pleasure of meeting R.L. Stine at Book Expo America in DC years ago, he is the nicest man

biggest anxiety: as I start to age, driving. especially in the dark with my big blind alien eyes, lol. i'm very phobic of left turns in LA (lots of yielding, green arrows barely exist). 

in 2022, you're most excited for: scripting on a new feature project, practicing and honing my voice acting, studying more comedy, paper illustrating again, and purging the family attic. 

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